I can feel you all around me, thickening the air I'm breathing, holding on to what I'm feeling, savoring this heart that's healing...

Monday, August 9, 2010

being straight with you at 4:30 am. and much ado about sprinkle donuts too.


Charlotte Victoria Ettwell said...

Hey Bethany. I'm afraid I can't really help monetary-wise, but I wanted you to know that I will be praying for you. I too want to do something that I am feeling God is encouraging me to do, but once again, it seems to be the money issue that is standing in the way. And just as a side note in case this trip doesn't go ahead for you, take a look at this website... http://www.opendoorsusa.org/content/view/21/#5

I work for the UK & Ireland base for Open Doors, and they too do missions to countries where the need for encouragement and support is really desperate. Maybe take a look?

Praying for you. I hope that a door is opened for you soon.
